event log "DebugChannel" error
I recently did inplace update(repair) of Windows 7 Ultimate to fix SP1 upgrade problem as suggested in http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/why-am-i-receiving-message-system-components-missing. Now I keep getting this error The event logging service encountered an error while initializing publishing resources for channel DebugChannel. If channel type is Analytic or Debug, then this could mean there was an error initializing logging resources as well. Event ID 22 Does anyone know how to fix this? Problem is described in here too http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd363790(WS.10).aspx
March 6th, 2011 7:07pm

Miya, Thank you very much. Is the log helpful if I do not reinstall SP1 again? If it is, here are my logs - http://cid-4e57a49a078e2dc6.office.live.com/self.aspx/.Public/logs.zip Reinstalled SP1 takes several hours, I will try to do it either tonight or tomorrow night. And re-post logs. Thanks Sujal
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March 13th, 2011 1:03pm

Miya, I do not think I can uninstall Win7 SP1. When I go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features -> Installed Updates and locate "Service Pack for Microsoft Windows (KB976932)" and right click, the "Uninstall" button disappears. Thanks Sujal
March 16th, 2011 9:00pm

I found the solution to this issue, at least in my case. I had the exact same situation as described here I had to do an in-place update of Windows 7 Ultimate to fix the SP1 upgrade problem and then was faced with this event log error after every boot up. It seems it has something to do with a permissions issue, which I noticed after comparing to my laptop which is running Windows 7 Starter (with SP1), that had no issues upgrading to SP1 (or afterward). Step-by-step: 1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32\winevt 2. Right click the 'Logs' folder, select Properties > Security Tab > Advanced button > Owner Tab (Now the current Owner of this directory was 'System' when I was receiving the error, however on my no-error laptop it was the 'Administrators' account) 3. Click 'Edit', select your the "PCNAME"\Administrators' account make sure to tick the 'Replace owner on subcontainers and objects' box. Click Apply. 4. Make your way back to the 'Security' tab (mentioned in Step 2) 5. The user names listed here should be Authenticated Users (Only Special Permissions ticked), System & Administrators (Full Control permissions for both). And 'eventlog', when I was receiving the error this only had, I believe it was 'Read & execute' and 'List folder contents', however when comparing to my no-error laptop it had Full Control. So click the Edit button, select the 'eventlog' user and give it 'Full Control', hit Apply and Ok. 6. Close down Windows Explorer, and reopen to the same folder and just double check that the changes have stuck. Reboot and this error should not return. I spent a good full day trying to figure out what the issue was with this, hopefully my solution will help others and you'll also feel the relief I felt after fixing it :D
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May 6th, 2011 1:29am

You sir are a genius :-)
July 13th, 2011 10:10pm

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